
VegiMaster: Organic Fertilizer

VegiMaster is an organic crop supplement with an active ingredient composition of 1.1% nitrogen (N), 0.13% phosphorus (P2O5), 3.9% potassium (K2O), 0.38% sulfur (S), 0.58% calcium oxide (CaO), 0.48% magnesium (Mg), and 29.45% organic matter. It is designed for various crop types and offers benefits in terms of quality, yield, appearance, and soil improvement.

Active Ingredient:

1.1%N: 0.13%P2O5: 3.9%K2O + 0.38%S, 0.58%CaO, 0.48%Mg, 29.45% Organic Matter.



VegiMaster is an organic supplement for all types of crops, which can help in improving the quality, yield, appearance, as well as soil condition. It is safe because it is produced through natural fermentation of plant products.

Thus, it will replace the  missing essential nutrients in crops, which will result in better crop growth & maximizing production.


Directions of use:

  • Shake well before use and do not mix until ready to use:
  • Fruit Trees: Use 3-5 ml/20 Liters water every 10 days.
  • Field Crops: Use 3-5 ml/20 Liters water every 10 days.
  • Vegetables: Use 2-5 ml/20 Liters water every 7 days.
  • Flowers: Use 2-3ml/20 Liters water every 10 days.
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