Master Kutu is a protective and curative broad spectrum systemic fungicide.
Master Kutu control late blight and down mildew among and other fungal diseases in all crops especially vegetables.
If you are interested with Master Kutu, click the following button to contact us now.
Active Ingredients
Master Kutu contain two Active Ingredients namely, Mancozeb and Cymoxanil, (Mancozeb 640g/kg + Cymoxanil 80g/kg).
Mancozeb is used to control a wide variety of fungal diseases in vegetables, fruits and cereal. It control potato blight, leaf spot, scab and rust. It is used on fruits, vegetables, nuts and other crops. It is also used as a seed treatment of sorghum, peanuts, tomatoes, flax, cotton, potatoes, corn, safflower, and cereal grains.
Cymoxanil is a foliar applied fungicide which provides preventive and curative control of pathogen species of the order Peronosporales including Plasmopara, Phytophthora and Peronospora in tomatoes, hops, tobacco, grapes, potatoes, and cucurbits.
Directions of use
The right time for spraying Master Kutu is morning or evening.
Spray when there is little or no wind for best coverage and to minimize spray drift. Do not apply sprays during rain.

Dispose empty container in special area as recommended by government authority that control usage of pesticide. Do not contaminate water sources with chemicals or used containers
To find more about Master Kutu, click the following button to contact us now.