MasterFruiter (N:P:K 10:10:40): Fertilizer that Promote Flowers and Fruits Development and Improve its Quality

Fertilizer that Promote Flowers and Fruits Development & Improve its Quality

MasterFruiter is a crop Fertilizer that containing nitrogen, phosphorus and high amounts of potassium in ratio of N:P:K 10:10:40.

Master Fruiter Promote Flowers and Fruits Development & Improve yield Quality.

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Master Fruiter NPK 10-10-40 is a type of High-potassium elemental water-soluble fertilizer, high temperature technology is used to chelate large and micro size trace elements,which can improve fertilizer efficiency and increase yield.

Master Fruiter has a comprehensive and balanced nutrition effect and is a new type of multi-functional water soluble fertilizer. Chelated nutrients 100% full water soluble preferred raw materials. High content, safe use, no hormones.

Master Fruiter fertilizer is suitable for fertigation and foliar application.


Ingredients analysis that may accompany the product. Seller shall not be Ammonium Nitrate, Mono Potassium Phosphate, Potassium Nitrate, Urea and Iron, Copper, Manganese & Zinc EDTA, Borax.


For accurate application rate use soil/tissue analysis reports, crop needs and projected yield. Consult your local sales representative for crop specific usage.


500gm, 1kg, 5kg ,10kg, 1000kg Additional sizes are available upon request.


Can be applied through foliar spraying using 1000L of water per hectare or by fertigation/nutrigation at an interval of 14 days.


• Store Product in a cool and dry place in original container.
• Test compatibility with other products prior to use.
• Avoid to mix with alkaline pesticides; unknown products are carefully mixed. sequence of mixing: water, this product, and its products.
• Avoid contact with skin & eyes and inhalation of spray/dust.
• Recycle container in accordance with federal and provincial regulations.
• Keep product out of the reach of children.

To find more about Master Fruiter, click the following button to contact us now.

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