Sweet Pepper Seeds: Yolo Wonder

Sweet Pepper Seeds: Yolo Wonder
Sweet Pepper Seeds: Yolo Wonder

Sweet Pepper Yolo Wonder is a disease resistant variety of bell pepper that grows up to two feet and have dense foliage which produce an abundance of sweet and crunchy, emerald colored thick walled bell peppers.

It is tolerant to tobacco-mosaic.

Days To Harvest: 70-75

If you are interested with Sweet Pepper Yolo Wonder seeds, click WhatsApp Message or Call us button to contact us now.

Specifications for sweet Pepper Yolo Wonder

Planting Depth: 1/8 inch

Spacing, Seed: 1 inches

Days to Germination: 10-21

Optimum Soil Temperature for Germination: 65 to 70F

Transplanting Spacing, Plant: 15-20 inches

Days To Harvest: 70-75 days

Cultivation advice for sweet Pepper Yolo Wonder

Sow seeds 1/4 inch deep in 3 inches pots with quality seed compost and Keep it moist.

Seedlings emerge in 10-21 days at temperature ranging 65-70degrees F.

Transplant seedlings when they have at least two pairs of leaves with height of 4-5 inches.

Plant 15-20″ apart with root ball 1/2 inch below the soil surface.

Keep moist and timely apply fertilizers (Recommended Master Grower and Master fruiter).

Harvest when fruits have reached full-size.

To find more about Sweet Pepper Yolo Wonder seeds, click one of the following buttons to contact us now.

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