Okra Seeds: Clemson

Okra Clemson Seeds
Okra Clemson Seeds

Okra Clemson is Straight, 6-7 inch, green pods are slightly ridged and definitely spineless. Plants grow to 3 feet high and produce an abundance of dark green, 6 inch slightly tapered and ribbed, straight, pointed pods without spines.

Days To Harvest: 55-65

If you are interested with Okra Clemson seeds, click WhatsApp Message or Call us button to contact us now.

Specifications for Okra Clemson

Planting Depth: 1/2 – 3/4 inch

Days to Germination: 10-14

Row Spacing: 3 feet

Days To Harvest: 55-65

Cultivation advice for Okra Clemson

Sow seeds 1/2-3/4 inch deep in 3 inches pots with quality seed compost and Keep it moist.

Space rows 3-feet apart and 4- to 6-inches apart within the row.

Keep moist and timely apply fertilizers (Recommended Master Grower and Master fruiter).

Sunny location required in order to maximize harvest.

Pods will be ready for harvest at about two months from planting.

To find more about Okra Clemson seeds, click one of the following buttons to contact us now.

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